Linghao Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located at Linghao, 8 km to the southwest of the Longlin County Town, Guangxi. It was named by the Guizhou Regional Reconnaissance Party in 1980.
Lithology and Thickness
Clastics, Siliceous rocks and Limestone. Composed essentially of sandstone and clay rocks, intercalated with siliceous rocks and limestone, and is divisible into two members. Lower member is composed of dark-grey and brown-grey medium-, and thick-bedded clastic sandstone, chlorite siltstone and clayey siltstone, intercalated with claystones and a small amount of siliceous rocks and tuffaceous claystones, with the claystone containing occasionally coal ball or coal crumb inclusions with a diameter of 1-2 m, with a thickness of 238-425 m. Upper member is composed of grey, dark-grey and yellow-grey silty claystones and chlorite claystones, intercalated with a small amount of grey and dark-grey medium-bedded sandstone, siltstone, marl, limestone and siliceous rocks, with a thickness of 185-389 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Upper contact
Conformable or a disconformable contact with the overlying Lower and Middle Triassic Series.
Regional extent
Distributed in the areas of Shazigou of Qinglong County, Kawu of Zhenfeng County and of the Longlin County
Mixed occurrences of Ammonoids of the Changhsingian Stage of the Yangsingian Epoch, for instance, in the Baxian section the bioclastic calcareous dolomite--in the middle part of the second member of the Linghao Fm yields simultaneously? Prototoceras, ? Planodiscoceras of the Wuchiapingian Stage of Lopingian Epoch, and the Propinacoceras of the Early Permian Epoch and the Altudoceras of the Maokou’an Subepoch.
Depositional setting
It is interpreted as a shallow-sea to deep-water trough facies.
Additional Information